Winter Home Projects To Tackle This Year

As the weather gets cooler, you will most likely be spending more time inside. Having a project or two to occupy your time will be crucial to making it through the winter. If you have a long to-do list of home tasks to complete, this winter might be the perfect time to tackle them. It’s never too early to start planning your winter projects and get those items checked off your list!

Start With Simple Tasks

Post holidays and early in the New Year is a great time to focus on cleaning areas of the house which tend to get overlooked. Washing your windows is a great task to start with. It is simple and you will see the results right away! Another great starting point would be to re-grout your bathroom or any other areas in your home that need an update. With the colder months, it is a good time to insulate your water pipes. Along with this, you might want to consider having your water quality tested. With a new year starting, this is an ideal time to make sure your water is up to standards. These tasks may seem simple but they are important.

Have a Plan For Larger Projects

Create a timeline for projects that are going to take longer and are more costly. Set dates to have certain tasks completed by. This will help you stay on track and on budget. Before getting started, you will want to make sure you have enough funds to cover the project costs. These types of costly and time-consuming projects could include a room renovation, major paint updates, a new bathroom or kitchen, or finishing that basement finally. An option to help fund your project is refinancing your mortgage. If you plan ahead, you could have a lower monthly payment and then have extra cash when it comes time for major project purchases. If you plan on refinancing, you may want to get a home inspection beforehand to avoid any setbacks.

Take Your Time

Rome wasn’t built in a day and your home projects won’t be either. Don’t rush to get everything done in one day or week. There will be plenty of cold weekends inside, so try to space out your projects to keep yourself busy. Before winter starts, you should not only map out when you will complete each home project but also be sure to start with any winter updates that should get done right as the season starts. This can include making sure any heating systems are cleaned, or if you have a furnace, this is a great time to replace the filter. Also, making sure your roof’s prepared for winter snow is something you should do early on.

Make It A Family Affair

With kids having winter break and time off, make some of your projects something you could complete as a family. One idea is changing light bulbs or batteries in the house. As you change them, have your children help by handing you any small tools or supplies. You can even incorporate teaching them about fire safety by checking the smoke detectors. Also, this is a good time to have your kids clean out their rooms and donate any toys, clothing, or other items they no longer use. This would make for a great winter weekend activity, followed by hot cocoa and a fun winter movie.

The cold winter months can seem daunting and feel like they will never end. By making some improvements in your home during winter, you can enjoy your time spent at home even more. Also, when warm weather begins, you will be eager to get outside and start tackling your next list of outdoor projects!