Frequently Asked Questions
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How much does the inspection cost?

The cost of a complete home inspection depends on a variety of factors. One of them is the size of the house. Simply put, a larger house takes more time to inspect than a smaller one. Also, an older home presents more challenges than a newer home. Crawlspaces also can add to the cost of an inspection. We prefer that you call to obtain an exact quote. Our prices start at $366.00. As with most things, in a home inspection, you get what you pay for.

How long will the inspection take?

Typically a whole house inspection will take 3 hours. Very small houses can take less and larger house will take longer. Other factors that will impact the time of the inspection would include things like additional services, extra buildings to inspect, and the condtion of the home.

Can I be present at the inspection?

Yes! It certainly is not required that you are at the inspection, but it will be helpful to you to see the process involved with inspecting your home. You also will be educated on the care and maintenance of the systems in your home. Frequently, clients will show up near the end of the inspection to get all the pertinent information without exhausting 2-3 hours of their busy day.

When will I get the report?

We will deliver the report to suit your desires. We email the report to you or your realtor soon after the inspection. Our company is always prepared to print the report or burn it to a CD at the conclusion of the inspection if needed as well. If you don’t prefer those methods, or are out of town, we can print it and send it to you too!

What types of things will be on the report?

We primarily focus on the finding the serious issues, if any, with the home. We follow the A.S.H.I. standards of practice, but we don’t limit our inspection to those standards. Our report will point out any small repair items that need to be fixed, but will focus on those issues that will adversely affect your health or the long-term health of the home.